Process for gathering lived experience input

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is seeking public input on how we can incorporate lived experiences into our air permitting process in communities under the cumulative levels and effects statute

Lived experiences are stories and testimonials gathered from individual members of a community in an area of interest to our regulatory work. These testimonials provide insight into how permitted facilities impact communities in ways that might not be captured through environmental evaluations that the MPCA currently uses. 

The MPCA will collect these experiences through a questionnaire provided to residents. Responses to the questionnaire will be incorporated into the cumulative levels and effects analysis conducted for certain permits that the MPCA issues. 



Contact Information

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First Name

Last Name






Review a draft of the questionnaire and the lived experience process document by clicking the “Review documents” button below. Enter your feedback to the three questions about the process below.

The MPCA is currently considering only feedback on how it will collect lived experiences. Opportunities to share lived experiences will be available at a later date. 

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Question 1 of 3

Is the questionnaire missing any questions you would like to see included? Should any questions be removed?

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Question 2 of 3

Do you recommend any changes to the phrasing of the questions?

Screen Reader


Question 3 of 3

What methods for collecting lived experiences would you recommend beyond the current process?

Screen Reader

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