Commenting open: February 05, 2025 12:00AM CT - March 07, 2025 11:59PM CT.
Horizon Farm - Feedlot Permit
We invite you to comment on the draft permit for the Horizon Farm animal feedlot located in Faribault County.
The facility will house 6,000 head of swine in total confinement barns. Liquid manure generated by the animals will be stored within concrete lined storage structures. Manure generated at the facility will be applied to surrounding cropland at agronomic rates.
This permitting action includes a remodel and change in animal size from swine over 300 pounds to swine 55-300 pounds. The animal unit (AU) capacity will be increased from 1,174.4 AU to a final total of 1,800 AU.
This permit requires the facility to be designed, operated, and maintained to prevent discharge to waters, except in an extreme storm event. Operators are required to land apply manure at agronomic rates, observe water setbacks, and maintain records of land application activities, including location, timing, and rate of application. Please refer to the draft permit for additional requirements.
The MPCA’s feedlot permit strives to protect our lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and groundwater by preventing manure from polluting water. The permit applies to most aspects of livestock management including the location, design, construction, operation, and management of feedlots and manure handling facilities. Minnesota has approximately 18,000 registered livestock operations.
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Thank you for subscribing to the Horizon Farm - Feedlot Permit mailing list.
We invite you to comment on the draft permit for the Horizon Farm animal feedlot located in Faribault County.
This permitting action includes a remodel and change in animal size from swine over 300 pounds to swine 55-300 pounds. The animal unit (AU) capacity will be increased from 1,174.4 AU to a final total of 1,800 AU.
This permit requires the facility to be designed, operated, and maintained to prevent discharge to waters, except in an extreme storm event. Operators are required to land apply manure at agronomic rates, observe water setbacks, and maintain records of land application activities, including location, timing, and rate of application. Please refer to the draft permit for additional requirements.
The MPCA’s feedlot permit strives to protect our lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and groundwater by preventing manure from polluting water. The permit applies to most aspects of livestock management including the location, design, construction, operation, and management of feedlots and manure handling facilities. Minnesota has approximately 18,000 registered livestock operations.
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