Cumulative impacts analysis indicators and datasets

The MPCA has begun work to implement a groundbreaking new law to remedy Minnesotans’ disproportionate exposure to pollutants. The law defines environmental justice areas and requires the MPCA to conduct a rulemaking process to address the cumulative impacts of pollution during permitting processes.

On July 10, 2024, the MPCA held the first of several public working sessions for the cumulative impacts rulemaking. This first working session focused on what indicators and/or data could be used in a cumulative impacts analysis. The purpose of the work session and this opportunity for public input is to begin the process of co-creating a cumulative impacts data tool with the community. Initial datasets and proposed standards for including specific data sources are based on 1) past community input on pollution issues and concerns – especially for major air permitted facilities, 2) best practices research including findings from the cumulative impacts rulemaking co-learning webinar, and 3) technical expertise and experience from our staff on using and analyzing data for cumulative impact work. 

Future working sessions and public comment periods will focus on other parts of the rule.

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Please review the presentation slides, the background packet of information on this rule, and the handouts that were provided at the working session by clicking the “Review documents” button below. The handouts are specific to the questions below. 

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Question 1 of 3

What data matters most to you?

  • Looking at these topics and subtopics, what needs clarification?
  • Which topics and subtopics do you think are most important for being included in a data tool?
  • What is missing? What do we need more of? 

Screen Reader


Question 2 of 3

How will MPCA narrow down which data indicators to include?

  • What needs clarification or updating?
  • Are there standards missing? Any that can be removed?
  • Are any of these standards more important than others? 

Screen Reader


Question 3 of 3

What else should we know?

  • What are the important things you want us to know about your neighborhood?
  • Are there specific types of pollution, environmental stressors, health stressors, or other topics you experience in your neighborhood?
  • What are other important things we should consider in a cumulative impacts analysis – they can be social political economic?
  • What do you think is missing?

Screen Reader

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